Dan is in honour of Daniel Gilmore (05.04.73 – 24.09.22). Dan was a Senior Consultant Zoologist who started with Biosis in 2001 and was a key member of the Biosis Ecology team. Anyone who worked with Dan will already know what an amazing zoologist he was and the passion he had for the natural world. This passion and knowledge has been passed on to countless staff and clients who have worked with and been mentored by Dan over the years. Dan was passionate about painted-snipe and was one of the lucky ones to have observed several of them during his career, always being on the lookout for cryptic species.
Dan has contributed immensely to conservation throughout his life having been involved from a young age with work on the Helmeted Honeyeater and Leadbeater’s Possum. He worked as a manager of revegetation crews, managed threatened species in the Zoos industry and eventually studied Conservation Ecology, before literally walking into Biosis via the front door to ask what we did. During his time at Biosis, Dan played key roles in the formulation of conservation strategies and planning for threatened species and communities under the EPBC Act and Melbourne Strategic Assessment, including Growling Grass Frog, Golden Sun Moth and Striped Legless Lizard. He was also able to successfully list species under the FFG Act in Victoria and was always working on raising the profile of threatened species and increasing our awareness of their plights.

Individual Name: Dan
Sponsor: Biosis
Sex: Male
Found: The Mole Marsh, private land in the Macquarie Marshes, NSW.
Date Tagged: 7/10/2024
Details: Caught in mist net in wetland area with at least 11 APS, including four other tagged birds: Thomasina, Knighty, Charuni and Hope.