Five APS tagged in the Macquarie Marshes: Thomasina, Charuni, Knighty, Dan & Hope

This is the breakthrough we could only dream of. Following a report of around ten APS from eagle-eyed and incredibly helpful local landholders, we mobilised and set ourselves up at The Mole Marsh, on private property in the Macquarie Marshes. We erected mist nets precisely in the spot where the owners, Leanne and Garry Hall, had noticed the birds were concentrated. We focussed on dawn and dusk when the light was low. To our delight, we got Thomasina on the first session, then Charuni and Knighty on the second.

The next two sessions we had no luck but we were still on a high, thrilled that we had three new birds away with transmitters. Given the powerful insights we’ve already had from Gloria and Marcelina, we could only speculate on what we’d learn from these new birds. To our amazement, the painted-snipe gods delivered again on our last session on Monday night and we met Dan and Hope. Inka and I were beside ourselves. Scroll down for a bunch of photos and stay tuned to see where these birds take us!


The Mole Marsh, an outstanding wetland area and one of the most significant APS sites ever known, with a long history of regular records.

The Mole Marsh site, where five APS were caught using mist nets over three days, each fitted with a transmitter.

Thomasina, care of Birding NSW, a tribute to their former president, the late Tom Karplus, a great supporter of Australian bird conservation.

Charuni, care of Charuka Abhayawickrama, a Hindi name meaning “one with beautiful eyes” and “so happened to be the name of my second daughter”.

Knighty, care of Coleambally Irrigation, to honour Steve Knight, a valued employee who gave over 50 years’ service and recently retired.

Dan, care of Biosis, to honour of Daniel Gilmore (05.04.73 – 24.09.22) who was a Senior Consultant Zoologist who started with Biosis in 2001.

Hope, care of Microwave Telemetry, reflects the goodwill of the project’s efforts to study and protect this species.

Garry and Leanne Hall of The Mole Marsh were central in our success, with their intel and logistical support. They offer accommodation for birdwatchers at the Willie Retreat. Please consider supporting them by making a trip out to this massive patch of paradise.

***Sound on*** Everywhere you look there are amazing birds, from flocks of hundreds of Magpie Geese and Glossy Ibis, to trumpeting Brolgas flying by, booming bitterns and soaring Wedge-tailed Eagles. And you never know your luck, you might even stumble upon the world’s most beautiful bird, the Australian Painted-snipe!


Shining a light on one of the most mysterious species in the world.